
Archive for June, 2014

Three Months


Weight/Length:  Just about 13lbs, according to my home scale.

Sleep: We finally have a baby who sleeps through the night!  The night before I went back to work, we gave him his first bottle of formula since he was 2 weeks old and I guess it filled his little belly because he slept from about 9pm until 7am. Now, he’s consistently sleeping from 9 or 10pm until 7 or 8am. On Father’s Day, both boys actually slept until after 9:30 am!! Crazy.

Now that said, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still wake up. I’d say about 4-5 times a night, he wakes up crying and I have to either give him his paci or re-swaddle him and give him his paci. It only takes a second and I can usually go right back to sleep, but it’s still exhausting.

Feeding: I really can’t complain here. Up until I went back to work, I only pumped first thing in the morning and right before bed. Occasionally I’d pump once during the day, but that was more to help build up supply. The rest of the time, we were nursing and things were going well. Then, the week before I went back to work, I felt like my supply dropped. I don’t know if it was stress with so much family in town (my parents at my house for a week, Ryan’s dad, sister, aunt, niece and nephew for a few days) or if I wasn’t drinking enough water or what, but even though I was nursing, the baby was constantly hungry and within just a few days, what little stash I had built up was completely wiped out and we had to give him his first bottle of formula the night before I went back to work. On the plus side, he slept through the night as a result.

Now that I’ve been back to work for about 2 weeks, he doesn’t want to nurse. I can’t say I blame him as eating from bottles is certainly easier, but I’m a little sad that it’s no longer working. So I still pump first thing in the morning and right before bed, and also 2-3 times during the day. It’s probably not enough, but I’ve made peace with the fact that we may have to give him a bottle of formula every night. I’m happy, he’s happy, and that’s all that maters.

Firsts This Month: First trip to the zoo and Grant’s Farm. First time meeting his aunt and some of his cousins. Attended his first birthday party (his brother’s).

Developments:  His head is still a bit wobbly, but he’s interacting with us more each day, smiling and cooing. He’s growing like a weed and really seems to be chunking up. He also lost a lot of hair this last month, which I noticed when I looked closely at his crib sheets and saw all these tiny baby hairs. To compensate for the hair loss on his head, his eyelashes have probably tripled in length.

Likes: Remember when I said he hated diaper changes? Well that all changed this month and now he LOVES them and smiles when we change his diaper. Silly boy. He also still loves to be held and also tickled.

Dislikes:  Um, not being held? And also, hiccups. Still. And tummy time (though that’s already starting to change)

What I’m Thankful For: Sleeping through the night! Even with a few wakeups for paci retrieval, I’m so thankful.

What I’m Looking Forward To:  Still waiting on those big belly baby laughs. We’ve come close recently but oh man I can’t wait to hear his little laugh.

How Mommy’s Doing: I’m just tired. Trying to juggle work and household chores (dishes, bottle/pump part washing, meal fixing, laundry, baths, picking up toys and dirty clothes, the list goes on..) is exhausting and there just aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s why blogging has taken a FAR back seat. It’s certainly not for lack of goings on, but rather lack of time to slow down and write about it. I hate that.

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