
Archive for December 30th, 2009


I’m working on a Christmas recap post but I haven’t had time to go through all the photos. Blog posts (at least my blog posts) are better with photos. Let’s hope I get it done before Jan. 1.

One thing I love about blogging is that it serves as my own personal diary, helping me remember the things I’ve done over the years. That’s also why I sometimes hate it, because it holds me accountable for those things I do not follow through on, such as some of my 2009 New Year Resolutions.

Rather than clicking over and reading the entire list, I’ll summarize them for you here (and note whether or not I actually accomplished anything).

1. Lose weight  This is a lifelong battle and until recently, I had been losing it. I’m back on track now, but I’m probably only down a pound or two from where I was at this time last year.

2. Pay off our cars Done and DONE! Fingers crossed we don’t have to buy another one in 2010. Life without car payments is a life I’d like to continue living.

3. Take vitamins, floss, cut out all soda, including diet…in short, be healthier Yes, yes, and mostly. I take a daily chewable vitamin, I floss most nights and some mornings, and I stopped bringing a daily can of diet soda to work and have replaced it with water and Crystal Light. However, I recently discovered that Crystal Light has aspartame and I need to find an aspartame-free, calorie-free substitute to make my water taste better. Any suggestions?

4. No smoking With the exception of one crazy night in April during a work trip to North Carolina, I have remained smoke free.

5. Visit another foreign country Well, no, but the true reasoning behind this resolution was to go somewhere we probably wouldn’t (or couldn’t) once we have kids. In May, we went to Hawaii and last fall, though we considered Europe, finances and two Southwest Airlines tickets that needed to be used took us to San Francisco and Napa Valley instead. So while we didn’t leave the country, we marked two never-before-visted places – and states – off our list.

6. Read nine books (nine in ’09)   Oh, so close. Actually, if I finish The Lost Symbol before Friday, I’ll have made this one, but as it stands – and will mostly likely remain – I only read 8 books this year.

7. Get a physician and a physical check-up Done! And all is well on that front.

8. Finish the deck and redo the bathroom  Yes to both! I almost can’t believe we did this one. Finishing the deck was easy, but we dreaded re-doing the bathroom and even though we ran into a few hurdles – meaning we couldn’t get it done professionaly like we had hoped – we finished it anyway and it looks fabulous!

9. Learn a new skill I bought Rosetta Stone last Spring so the hubs and I could brush up on our Spanish, but I never finished level one (there are three levels) and so this will be a recurring resolution for 2010.

Stay tuned for a list of my resolutions for 2010…that’s if I can ever decide on them.

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